Stocks & Securities

Make a Gift or Fulfill a Pledge With Stocks & Securities

Donors can use their own broker/agent or the parish agent to transfer and sell stock. If the stock has been held long-term (over one year), the donor does not have to pay capital gains tax on the stock and is allowed a tax deduction for the full value of the stock. Donors may also choose to sell stock in order to claim a loss, which may be beneficial for tax circumstances. In either case, the stock must first be transferred to the parish (via the Catholic Diocese of Arlington’s before being liquidated. Please contact the parish office for a Stock Donation Form or visit

To make a stock gift, please print and fill out the Mary Lead Us Campaign Gift/Pledge Form and mail to ATT: Campaign, Reverend Edward Hathaway, Rector, Basilica of Saint Mary, 313 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

Please print as well the Catholic Diocese of Arlington Stock/Mutual Fund Donation Form. Further instructions are provided on the form.

For questions about making a stock gift, please call Anne Mathis, Director, Office of Stewardship & Special Projects for the Basilica and Basilica School of Saint Mary at 703-836-4100 or email her at

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