We are all members of the Mystical Body, the Church, and are responsible to help each other.  Each member of the parish, regardless of age, has a significant role to play in our Catholic schools by sharing resources of time, talent, or treasure.  We have received the gift of baptism and share in the responsibility to fulfill Christ’s final command to ‘go and teach’.” (c.f. Mt. 28:19) 

Growing in Wisdom, Age and Grace, A Pastoral Letter on Catholic Schools

Bishop Emeritus Paul S. Loverde

Great Generosity and Prayers Will Be Needed

Along with a mix of financing and parish investment contribution, the Basilica of Saint Mary is seeking a minimum of $6,000,000 in visionary and generous philanthropic support from school parents, parent and student alumni and parishioner families.

For close to 150 years, the Basilica School of Saint Mary’s founding, growth and evolution was made possible by the unyielding financial and spiritual support of the parishioners. The original Saint Mary’s Hall, the Lyceum, the new school on Green and South Royal, the school’s west and east wing additions, the convent (now Stephens Hall) and the gymnasium are structures built from the patrimony of multiple generations of parishioners who cared deeply about ensuring the legacy of Catholic education. This extraordinary generosity continues today in countless ways including the work of the school’s HSA parent organization members who work tirelessly to conduct successful fundraising initiatives each year.

Your Financial Support for This Visionary Plan for Our Parish and School is Paramount to Our Success

A pledge may be sacrificial in nature as appropriate for your family and can be one that you know will help realize the funding priorities of the campaign.  All gifts to the Mary Lead Us Campaign should be equal in sacrifice, not necessarily equal in dollar amount, and it is our hope that your giving reflects this measure.  

For more information about structuring a pledge/gift to the Mary Lead Us Campaign that is unique to you and your family’s desires, please contact Anne Mathis, Director of Advancement for the parish and school at (703) 836-4100 or email her at amathis@stmaryoldtown.org