Pledge Today

A pledge fulfilled over a three to five-year period of time beginning this year is a way in which you can provide as substantial a gift as possible while managing your annual budget. Here are gift levels that illustrate how you may be able to make a larger gift over time.

Suggested Gift Plans

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Pledges Via Cash or Check Through the Mail

Print this Mary Lead Us Campaign Gift/Pledge Form to notate the amount of your pledge and down payment (optional, but encouraged). Select your schedule of payment, i.e., monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments.

Please make checks payable to the Basilica of Saint Mary. Payment reminders will be mailed along with a special payment envelope in accordance with the plan you choose. Once completed, please mail your pledge form and initial payment to: Reverend Edward Hathaway, Rector, Basilica of Saint Mary, 313 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Pledge Via Online here.